I create my own realm of esoterically-charged flora and fauna, drawing heavily on the themes of symbiotic relationships, the circle of life, and the classic concept of memento mori. I like to combine opposites in my work by fusing the beautiful and the grotesque, the living and the dead, and the real and surreal. I often draw upon familiar and comforting patterns found in nature while injecting unnatural elements to cause an unsettling, but sympathetic feeling in the viewer.
I am an independent and self taught artist/illustrator with a degree in Art History from the University of Alabama. I have been in Juxtapoz magazine (April 2014), have my work on buildings in San Francisco, and have shown work in galleries and on street corners, big cities and tiny towns, respected art fairs and once next to a dumpster at a bar. When not doing art, I enjoy running, kayaking, home brewing, attempting to befriend the neighborhood cats, and playing video games.